This course will expose students to current research in women's and gender studies by requiring them to attend seminars sponsored or approved by the Women's Studies Program. Non-traditional format: One hour seminar. Students may take this course in conjunction with their enrollment in a 3-credit…
Not open to students with credit in WMST 1110. Experiences of women in selected racial and ethnic communities: Latinas/Chicanas, African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and other women in contemporary United States.
Not open to students with credit in WMST 1110H. Experiences of women in selected racial and ethnic communities: Latinas/Chicanas, African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and other women in contemporary United States.
Not open to students with credit in WMST 2010. Prerequisite: Permission of Honors. The study of women of diverse racial, ethnic, and class backgrounds. Topics include contemporary concerns within women's studies: labor markets, health, reproduction, socialization, language, media representations…
Not open to students with credit in WMST 2010H. The study of women of diverse racial, ethnic, and class backgrounds. Topics include contemporary concerns within women's studies: labor markets, health, reproduction, socialization, language, media representations, law, and public policy. Non-…
Literature, memoir, and readings from various disciplines on LGBTQ history, politics, health, philosophies, and cultures. Understanding sexualities as historical, personal, and political, we will critically engage homophobia, heterosexism, and oppressions within LGBTQ communities. Highlighting…
Students will examine a diverse selection of literary texts, memoirs, multimedia, arts, music, and performance to interpret and analyze representations of gender, sexuality, and race. Students will strengthen their understanding of artistic expression from an intersectional perspective.…
Investigation of same-sex desire, heterosexuality, homosexuality, and the regulation of sexual identities across different racial/ethnic and class/regional communities. Focusing on Native American, African American, Latino, Asian American, and international studies, with texts from law,…
Interdisciplinary examination of social issues of race, class, ethnicity, and sexuality as they contribute to the lives and identity formation of diverse women in the United States. Special attention paid to African American, Asian American, Latin American, and Native American women.
Topics of scholarly interest on women and gender from interdisciplinary perspectives. Assumes no prior background in women's studies.
Examination of popular culture, highlighting analyses of gendered representations as they intersect key cultural moments. Throughout the course, students will draw from relevant current events, feminist cultural studies scholarship, and personal experience to discuss social identity, production…
Examination of ways in which food relates to gender, race, and class. We will discuss ongoing debates about food insecurity, food production, consumption, and food waste. Course includes a service-learning project during the semester that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the…
This course covers a range of issues affecting women in the various parts of the Caribbean region. It examines the meaning of feminism within the Caribbean context. It considers the ways in which race, gender, class, ethnicity, language, sexuality, and other factors affect the formation of…
We will use empirical data to analyze how inter- and intra-racial discrimination based on skin color and hairstyles are forms of discrimination apparent in virtually every social institution, such as marriage rates, media, imprisonment, holding political office, educational attainment, wages,…
The historical origins, philosophical assumptions, and political implications of contemporary feminist theories, including conservative, liberal, radical and ecological feminist theories.
Exploration of the assumptions and procedures of interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences with specific attention to the purposes and processes of generating knowledge about women, gender, and feminism. Investigation and comparison of various qualitative and quantitative…
Examination of the ideas and practices of black feminists and womanists. Students will examine African communities within the diaspora, particularly the historical and contemporary debates of black women in the United States, including black womanhood, sexual mythologies and vulnerabilities,…
Interdisciplinary analysis of the lives of North American Asians from a feminist perspective. In the course, students will be encouraged to critically assess the category of "Asian American" and philosophical notions and political implications of North American Asian feminisms. Students will…
Examination of the historical origins, philosophical positions, and political implications of contemporary queer theories and consideration of various examples from the field comparatively.
Examination of the science, lived experience, and politics of sexed and gendered bodies. Topics include feminist critiques of sex differences research and evolutionary theory, the role of rhetorical language in the biological sciences, the history of obstetrics and midwifery, race and…
Explores Gender construction and identity formation in international perspective. Case studies may be drawn from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Topics include theories and methodologies for examining gender relations in cross-cultural perspective, political and…
Traces the development of feminism in France, beginning with Simone de Beauvoir’s path-breaking book The Second Sex and including such authors as Luce Irigaray, Hélène Cixous, and Julia Kristeva, Monique Wittig, Antoinette Fouque and others.
Examines the ways in which the enviroment, gender, race, and class are categorized. Students will critically evaluate notions of gender, race, and class as they relate to the enviroment. Topics include development, population, production, consumption, ecofeminism, enviromental justice, and…
Ongoing and current topics of scholarly interest in women's studies.
Not open to students with credit in MUSI 4250/6250. Roles of women in music, including the history of women musicians in western art music, world cultures, and popular music. Gender studies in music. Non-traditional format: This course is also offered through University System of Georgia…
The diverse social and cultural manifestations of gender located within an economic, social, and political context. Case studies drawn from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
Examination of music videos from the 1980s until the present. Music videos will be treated as texts from which we can glean cultural understanding as well as explore new ways of analyzing aesthetic communication and musical meaning.
The study of Latina lives from a feminist perspective. Examination of research and writing about the lives of Latina women with a particular focus on the dynamics of communities in the United States, immigration, cultural values regarding gender, and effects of poverty and violence.
What do religions say about women? What do women say about religions? This class will examine women’s lives in a variety of religious traditions around the world.
Examining the phenomenon of sexuality historically opens up rich questions about the motors of change over time, the nature of power, the limits of social variation, and even about knowledge itself. We use this subject matter to consider historical method and to analyze, research, communicate…
Advanced study of issues concerning women of diverse backgrounds, including women's health, employment, reproduction, sexuality, marriage and family, media representation, and socialization. Emphasis is on interdisciplinary perspectives and critical thinking along with application of knowledge…
Advanced study of issues in LGBTQ studies, including sexuality, marriage and family, health, employment, media representation, politics, and socialization. Emphasis is on interdisciplinary perspectives and critical thinking along with application of knowledge.
Readings and independent research closely supervised by a faculty member on a specific interdisciplinary topic in women's studies. Non-traditional format: Directed study.
Individual study, reading, or projects under the direction of a project director. Non-traditional format: Directed study. Not offered on a regular basis.
Supervised professional practice in an organization, agency, or business where women's leadership skills may be developed. Non-traditional format: Internship.
See if and when courses are offered in a given semester via our downloadable course schedule.
Fall 2025 Course Schedule (searchable)
Spring 2025 WMST Courses
Summer 2025 UGA Course Schedule (searchable)
Fall 2024 Women's Studies Course Offerings
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